Monday, April 28, 2008

Comment on a Colleague's Work #2

Road Maintenance- it's a good topic because it appeals to everyone. We all use these roads to get us from here to there.

I agree with Autumn. I believe it was a good decision by Texas officials to put road construction on hold and to focus on bigger issues. We already have decent roads and highways...we can endure the pain and suffering roads cause us for now while we take care of bigger things, such as our troops and much needed funding for education. I'd much rather prefer to take care of things that need to be done first, then start working on the littler things such as road maintenance. 

Autumn chose a great topic and laid out her thoughts clearly in her article. She has expressed her thoughts and opinions well. Overall, it was an interesting piece.

-Brian B

Texas MIC Laws

Its a 20 year old's nightmare...Gettin' an alcohol related offense put on their record just a year before they hit the big 2 1. Be on the look out underage drinkers, you are in even more danger.

Recently Texas has added another provision... providing enforcement with the right to issue MIC's (Minor in Consumption)-similar to a MIP (Minor in Possession). The two are similar, however, the law has no problem throwing out fines without any real evidence. The two offenses are similar; however, to issue an MIC, the absence of any proof of offense is ok. If the cop has reason to believe you have been taking part in that Beer Pong tourney....SLAP! MIC! If you're hanging out on the river with all of your buddies not even near a beer and a cop has reason to believe you've had a couple...BAM! MIC! 

It's no fun...
Not only will you have to pay a hefty fine (some up to $500), but you'll most likely be spending the summer in AA classes. Oh yeah...and make sure you have a ride, because your license is most likely going to get suspended for 30 days. 

If government is going make laws such as might as well make drinking all together illegal. What if someone is issued a ticket a week before their 21st? Do you honestly think waiting that one more week makes that person a more responsible drinker?

I understand laws to keep alcohol away from kids, but c'mon...will that one week make me that much more of an adult? 

Monday, April 14, 2008

Comment on a Colleague's Work

I completely agree with Anna and her blog pertaining to the seemingly never-ending rise of college tuition. Students are paying incredible amounts to achieve their main goal- to graduate from college. The drawback is that most students are going to be paying off loans for practically the first half of their career. It is scary because tuition is only going to continue to rise, which brings your future children's tuition in to mind. Once you've finally paid all of your college loans off, you then have to start working on finding a way to pay for your kid's! By that time who knows what schools will be asking.

Even though the payments are benefiting the institution, schools are still asking too much. It's discouraging to students and is one of the main reasons they can't obtain a degree.

-Brian B

Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Foster Care Programs

More and more foster kids now days are finding the transition from childhood to adulthood more difficult.  Due to the outrageous cost of living today, many foster children struggle to adapt to today's society. Most foster children lack the skills one would obtain through regular schooling and a regular home-life. To accommodate these teens, programs such as PAL (Preparation for Adult Living) have been organized to assist the fostered in need. These programs provide life skills training, financial assistance, and other services such as driver's education and job training. The House Committee on Human Services should work to increase the budget towards these types of programs and, also, to create more programs such as these to provide funding not only for the children, but also to the state workers who coordinate the programs. These services should begin earlier in foster children's lives to help the kids at earlier ages.  With the foster system continually growing, more aid should be given to kids to help motivate them and to prepare them for the first step in to adulthood.

-Brian B

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hilary Clinton Wins Texas Democratic Primary

Tuesday night Hillary redeemed herself by winning primaries in Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island, causing a major dent in Obama's delegate lead. It was a close race...Clinton with roughly 50.3 % of the votes and Obama with about 47.9%. Both saw the best results in the areas where they spent the most time campaigning. With Clinton campaigning more in Hispanic South Texas towards a majority of Latino voters, her strategy proved more effective then Obamas, campaigning in major metropolitan areas and college towns such as Austin and Brazos County. However, Obama did have a 6 to 1 edge over Hillary among black voters. But in the end, it was Hillary who took the cake this time. Hillary picked up at least 75 delegates, while Obama earned at least 54. Nearly 250 remain to be awarded.

A record setting turnout. Voters were anxiously waiting in line to vote 2 hours after the polls were scheduled to close. Also, Texans took advantage of the option to vote early and brought in an estimated 2 million votes. 

Texans may be setting records, but they still can not seem to elect the right candidates. Unfortunately, as of now, it looks like it's going to be Hillary and McCain battling for presidency in this year's elections if things keep happening for the former first lady. I have to admit I'm shocked she's still doing this well. But, Obama's still got a chance...I guess its just wait and see. 

Until then I'll keep askin....Why not Ron Paul?
Open your eyes Texas. How amazing would it be with NO IRS or wars?

-Brian B.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Clinton: Obama 'Change You Can Xerox'

Deep in the heart of Texas, Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama squared off again in a somewhat civil, however at times heated, 90 minute debate held in one of University of Texas’ auditoriums Thursday evening in Austin, Texas. CNN, Univision and the Texas Democratic Party sponsored the debate. In front of a few hundred anxious students and teachers, the two argued their positions and both discussed their strategies to bring about change in our economy. An article written by David Espo of the Austin American Statesman documents the debate in full detail. Boos and applauds filled the room as both candidates expressed their ideas, especially when Clinton resorts to her demeaning tactics and quite insults. Obama stated that ‘we should be spending time lifting the country’ not ‘tearing each other down.’ The candidates both agreed on high- tech surveillance measures as opposed to the construction of a fence to prevent illegal immigration- a main focus in every candidates campaign. The two also touched on the subject of the change in government in Cuba since Castro’s resignation and “sparred frequently about health care,” also being another main focus in both candidates’ campaigns. Clinton compared and contrasted the two’s campaigns in a more uncivilized manner. Clinton accused Obama of political plagiarism and claimed Obama’s campaign as ‘change you can Xerox.’ The 90-minute debate was a good opportunity for Sen. Hilary Clinton to take charge, however her strategy seemed to create more problems. By any means necessary will Clinton try and regain her spot as number one- she has lost 11 straight primaries and caucuses resulting in Obama’s current lead.

 “In The Associated Press' delegate count Thursday, Obama had 1,358.5 to 1,264 for Clinton. It takes 2,025 delegates to claim the nomination at this summer's convention.”

 Clinton must feel a little discouraged, which probably leads to her tactics. Obama is right; the two must stop picking at each other and focus on the bigger picture, the United States government.

 -Brian B.

Source- Austin American- Statesman

Thursday, February 7, 2008

City Wants To Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving

Hey Austinites...start lookin' for a discrete place in your cars or trucks (who knows... maybe even bikes next) to quickly hide those cell phones. Well, at least long enough for the patrol car next to you to mosey on by.

You got it...

Austin City Council members are considering a proposal on the ban of the use of cellular phones while driving. The council is awaiting on data from the Austin Public Safety Task Force on the ban's success in other states (California, New York) in which the law is in full effect. Other Texas cities, besides Austin, have also recognized the dangers of driving with a cell phone and have applied less restrictive laws on the items use while in motion. Cities such as Highland Park have ordered the ban only in school zones- in which the city has already issued more than 200 citations and has seen fines up to $70.

However, cellular use in a car IS still legal in Austin; but, dont be suprised if you start seeing more advertisements and commercials focusing on the risks of its use while driving. A better, less severe solution, I believe, would be to just make the public (teens and adults, men and women) more aware of its dangers.

No bans...
You try going a day without talking on your cell phone while you're driving...

-Brian Broussard

I've provided a link for more info:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Feel free to take a look around.

Brian Broussard